Mission Statement of our Supplier
To help give an understanding of cancer with a different approach as an assistance to conventional methods.
It is common to treat pain to provide relief. It is research that finds the cause. The strategy of research is based on:
1. – define the problem
2. – determine the components of the problem
3. – develop a strategy to resolve the problem
4. – pursue that strategy to resolve the problem
Currently, cancer has not been properly defined, therefore, the strategy of its resolution has yet to be properly determined.
Currently, conventional cancer treatment involves treating symptoms rather than cause. Although symptoms may no longer be detectable upon completion of conventional treatment, the cause has not been extinguished or corrected. Therefore, the cause will continue to produce or affect a different area because the body as a whole continues to support the biochemistry that supports the environment for the cancerous conditions to continue.
Our research is based on the foundation that our body is a chemistry pool of Action Causing Reaction. Cancer is the body’s response to an upset or change in the chemical environment in the body, an “ECO SYSTEM”, thus a change in the Cause and Effect cycle, where the body develops a cancer cell acclimate to the incorrect environment. Upon balancing the environment, the cancer cell can no longer survive, dies on its own, and the normal cells thrive once again.
Because there are groups with false promises for their own financial gain, we have been determined to help cancer victims at no cost to them in an effort to make sure that they understand our goal is to keep them alive and well, and to prepare them to improve their life. There will be a few people that we will not be able to help reverse their cancer, however, our observations show that they gain a better quality, duration, and less painful period in their life, thus affording them to enjoy an improved life.
In the future, our website will include many links in effort to create an awareness center to include education, links to other cancer and health sites, chat line, humor, stories, motivation, financial advice and links, pharmacy advice and links, the list goes on. A wellness center is being created in effort to help educate, as doctors and other licensed experts of various fields are volunteering their time to strengthen our efforts.
There is never a fee to any person we help.
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