Welcome to The Be Fantastic Philosophy & The Kindness Revolution

Be Fantastic International (BFI) is a global hub for humanitarian initiatives, promoting a philosophy of kindness that we believe can solve many of the world’s problems. Our network of Ambassadors of Kindness spans 140 countries, each adhering to our Three Commitments to Kindness.

Many of our ambassadors (over 9700 to date) are involved in NGOs, charities, and other humanitarian efforts, which we support and promote through our foundation, The Foundation for World Harmony. You can learn more about our foundation at [TheFoundationForWorldHarmony.org](https://Thefoundationforworldharmony.org).

Our Three Commitments to Kindness

Our philosophy is centered around the Three Commitments to Kindness:

  1. Be Kind to Yourself
  2. Be Kind to All Others
  3. Be Kind to Our Mother Earth

These commitments are detailed on our websites and social media channels. We encourage our Ambassadors to introduce this philosophy to their followers, classrooms, and initiatives.

Join Our Global Community

Kindness starts with oneself and can spread to communities, cities, countries, and ultimately the world. Anyone can become an Ambassador of Kindness by following our three commitments, without the need for a phone or internet connection.

How to Join:

Text your first name, city, and country to +50255318892 to join our community for free.

Resources and Engagement

Our websites and social media platforms offer a wealth of positive and motivational content:

We share daily motivational quotes around the world in hundreds of local WhatsApp groups (text +502 5531 8892 to join a local group) to: BEFANTASTIC02 Instagram, Be Fantasic Facebook, Be Fantastic Youtube, @drfantastic1954 on X and TikTok.

Join our global community of kind souls and help us spread kindness. Sharing is caring, and caring is kindness.

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing will get better, it will NOT!” — Dr. Seuss

Have a fantastic day!

Watch the Science of Kindness Video:

Fantastic & Horrible news

World Kindness day

Save the Planet

The Be Fantastic Philosophy

Be KIND to yourself

Be KIND to all others

Be KIND to our planet