Who do you think of that represents kindness. Here is what came to my mind: The fairy godmother, Santa, Mother Teresa and the Pope. Leaders of the free world didn’t, billionaires didn’t and most bosses don’t. Kindness is the eternal act. If people were kinder our world would be different.
Kinder. My Be Fantastic movement is attempting just that, to make the world a kinder place. I am gathering Ambassadors of Positivity wherever I go. I’ve been through 22 states and 3 countries so far in 228 days. We have 732 (at least for now) Ambassadors living in 45 countries. Thousands follow our social media channels.
I encourage people Firstly to be kind to themselves. Too many people are thinking negative of themselves and sadly it’s all all in their head. Secondly I encourage people to be kind to others, have patience, let drivers into traffic (it delays you about 5 seconds), open doors for strangers and don’t honk your horn. Thirdly be kind to our environment, we are destroying it in the name of greed. Lastly delete the word good from your vocabulary and replace it with Fantastic. Saying Fantastic is literally an act of kindness as it makes you and others smile which releases endorphins, serotonin and dopamine. These neuro messaging units release stress. Less stress you live longer. So by saying Fantastic you made someone look better, feel better and live longer, if that’s not an act of kindness I don’t know what is!
Being kind without expecting a reward is truly a humanitarian action. Karma truly works. I’m told it comes back double. Both good and bad Karma. If you can follow those guidelines We want you to be a part of this global initiative. Say You did a Fantastic job or you look Fantastic or have a Fantastic day and always say I am Fantastic when asked how you are even if you aren’t. Think of it as a gift to someone, a gift of kindness.
If you would like to be an Ambassador of Positivity send an email to drfantastic@befantastic.today and say “I’m in”. Our website www.befantastic.today has Fantastic videos, blogs, podcasts, inspirational quotes, minute of motivation videos in VR and more.
Dr. Fantastic’s goal is to circumnavigate the globe and speak to children, companies and anyone that will listen. If you would like him to speak at your school, company, event just send a email to drfantastic@befantastic.today.
What you want to be, you can be, be kind.
Dr. Fantastic