Individuals have contributed to the global climate crisis and the ills of the world.
Individuals can help solve the crisis and make the world a kinder place.
It is an individual who made the decision to dump hazardous chemicals into a body of water to save money due to the high cost of legally disposing of them.
It’s an individual who threw their cigarette butt on the ground, contributing to the 4.7 trillion each year, many of which have caused fires and death.
It is an individual who littered by throwing a plastic bottle on the ground, which is now part of an island of plastic in our oceans bigger than some cities.
It’s an individual who wastes water, electricity, and money on useless items.
It’s an individual who beat, raped, enslaved, or killed another person.
It is an individual who sent their country into war.
Individuals need to take accountability for their actions.
On the more positive side,
There are Fantastic individuals who risk their lives in the military, police forces, and fire departments.
There are Fantastic individuals who donate their time to help others.
There are Fantastic individuals who teach others.
There are Fantastic individuals who dedicate their lives to help improve society.
There are Fantastic individuals who do things to help others rather than just make money. We need more Fantastic people.
The world needs to be reminded to be kind. The three commitments to kindness literally solve most of the world’s problems.
Be kind to yourself.
Be kind to all others.
Be kind to our planet.
Learn how and why we need to be kind by visiting It takes time and effort to be kind but we need to make the time and give the effort in order to make our world a kinder and cleaner place for future generations.
Dr. Fantastic