We all need a shoulder to cry on, is an old adage that has been around since Eve broke Adam’s heart. I have been traveling now for 892 days by myself, dispensing the prescription for a happier and longer life, and plenty of women have cried on my shoulders after I gave my advice, I have been called an angel on quite a few occasions. People need to hear positive words, they need reassuring at times, and most don’t have someone for that. Enter the three commitments to kindness. I am happy to report that 4855 people have been introduced to the three commitments to kindness, which will guide people to be happier, be more successful in business and personal relationships, and contribute to helping us repair the damage we did to our planet.
As a life coach and modern-day philosopher, I have reflected on my 68 years on the planet and have come up with some fantastic suggestions that many have thanked me for. Many video, audio, and text testimonials from billionaires and scientists alike are at drfantasticsworld.com if you have the time to view them. I promise your life will improve if you follow the three commitments to kindness. In some of my speeches, I call our situation the Insanity of Humanity, as humans have committed the most horrendous acts of atrocities all through the ages and up to today. One can only attest that it is because of greed and the thirst for power that we have made a mess of things. If only we could reduce human greed and stupidity, we might have a chance. I’m an idealist and a dreamer, and many have called me crazy for dedicating my life to introducing my philosophy, but the compliments I get daily and the words of the late Steve Jobs keep me going: ” People who are crazy enough to think they can make a difference in the world, are the ones that do.” The three commitments to kindness are my gift to the world, I ask for no money, only kindness.
Science, logic, and over 4800 people have proven that if you follow the three commitments to kindness, you will look better, feel fantastic, literally live longer, you will be more successful in business and in personal relationships, and you will help make the world a kinder and cleaner place for everyone. Science, logic, and over 4800 people have proven that the three commitments to kindness work. I’ve made over 1700 videos chronicling my journey through America, Egypt, Ukraine, and Turkey. I hope to keep visiting the world and spreading kindness. I go where I’m invited. On this world journey, I’ve interviewed incredible people, brought the audience to events and places they may never have seen otherwise, dispensed fantastic advice, shared my cooking recipes, and always tried to put a smile on their faces. All video links are at befantastic.today.
The essence and heart of the three commitments to kindness is the word “fantastic.” It is a powerful, magical word that is hard to say without smiling. A smile releases endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin, which make you feel great and reduce stress. Science says each time you smile, you reduce your stress, which extends your life by 5 minutes and a laugh by an hour. Stressed people live longer. Stress is all your fault.
A smile makes everyone look better. A smile is infectious. Speaking the word “fantastic” is an act of kindness. Words matter. Here are examples of how to use the word “fantastic.”
You look Fantastic
You did a Fantastic job
Have a Fantastic day
I am Fantastic
It bears repeating that it is an act of kindness to say “Fantastic” to people because you made them smile, which reduces their stress and helps them feel better and live longer. I do this daily. We are simple creatures that just need a kind word now and again. They say Black Lives Matter, whether you are Black, White, or Brown, male or female, young or old, WORDS MATTER!
Please join Be Fantastic International at worldkindnesslist.com or befantastic.today or drfantasticsworld.com or follow me on Be Fantastic YouTube channel or Facebook or Instagram or Telegram. Take the time to smell a rose, take in a sunset, read my daily quote or enjoy one of my 1700 videos and share what I hope you just learned, Be kind. What you want to be, you can be. Be fantastic.