Day 125, good bye Coeur d Alene
A wrap up of what I’ve done in Korda lane and pictures of beautiful homes on the Lake and beautiful citizens
Day 177 Last day in Missouri #puregoldceo #promo #stlouis
Missouri and all the Fantastic people I met and spent time with were wonderful. Today I pack and leave my car
Day 151, Nashville's Parthenon in Centennial park
Enjoy this tour of the Parthenon at Centennial park source
Day 119, vote by phone and other interesting info
Camping slowed down my daily different location videos but I try to deliver Fantastic info in each video. source
Day 124, second to last day in paradise
Last few days in Coeur D’ Alene, new places to discover. Boseman, Montana here I come. source
Day 123, donate blood, its the kind thing to do
Give blood, give a speech, give a damn, all in a day on the road. source
Day 154, Virginia Beach here I come
Not much to see in No. Carolina except beautiful trees, always fantastic advice dispensed though source
Day 77, visit to Hempful farms
The Be Fantastic road tour day 77 finds me visiting Helpful farms on their 2 year anniversary in Chico source
Day 96, what is happening to our country?
Can’t we be civil? Fantastic people are, join the movement, will save lives. source
Day 116, Black Bear Chili day
I’m feeding the Beauty Creek campers with Black Bear Chili tonight 7pm, will stream live on this channel. source
Day 97, flight over Vegas strip and Casino marquees
Aerial view of strip, masked Ambassadors, pictures of Vegas source
Day 82, bye bye Corvallis hello Seattle
The Be Fantastic Road Tour day 82, As my goal is to go around the world introducing the Be Fantastic movement
Day 81, having a Whopper my way
The Be Fantastic Road Tour on day 81 finds me driving during my noon broadcast and being bad eating junk food,
Day 87, deep in the hills of Spokane, Washington
The Be Fantastic world tour finds Dr. Fantastic walking in the wilderness followed by some videos of the trip from Seattle
Day 91, Dear CEO's of America
Started my letter writing campaign introducing the Be Fantastic movement to corporations. Would you like to help? Just send a copy
Day 111, teach your kids to be Fantastic
The children are our future, when they replace good with Fantastic they will be happier, more confident, successful and help make