Be Kind Merchandise

Our Be Kind merchandise sends a Fantastic message to all that see it. It spreads Kindness and is a great conversation piece. Purchasing these products helps support the Be Fantastic philosophy which is followed by over 6800 people in 120 countries around the world. Proceeds will be used to distribute FREE Be Kind sign kits to people in need. “Give a person a fish and they eat for one day, give them a fishing pole they eat for life” The Be Kind Sign campaign is our fishing pole.
Here is our first Ambassador employing the Be Kind signs:
The Be Kind sign campaign introduction:

To get on the waiting list email us your name, address and which items you are interested in to Costs and procedures will be forthcoming. To become an Ambassador of Kindness visit: or
Ambassadors of Kindness try to follow the three commitments to Kindness. In order of importance they are:
1. Be kind to yourself
2. Be kind to all others
3. Be kind to our Mother Earth
Joining our community is free and required to purchase Be Kind merchandise.

Have a Fantastic day.
Monte Cook III
aka Dr. Fantastic
Be Fantastic International