Be Fantastic International is pleased to offer free paint, paint brushes and instructions for those wanting to create an income or raise funds for their school, charity or club.

All three commitments to Kindness are accomplished when you follow our instructions.

  1. Collecting, painting and posting the sign make you feel Fantastic, you get exercise and painting is a wonderful way to release stress.
  2. People reading the signs feel Fantastic (watch testimonial video – and that is being kind to others.
  3. Collecting trash to use for the signs is great for the environment.

If interested in receiving the BE KIND sign kit please submit your name and/or organization, some background information and where to ship materials. You must be an Ambassador of Kindness to receive the free kit. To join Be Fantastic International is free, you only need to agree to try to follow the three commitments to Kindness.

  1. Be kind to yourself
  2. Be kind to ALL others and the creatures
  3. Be kind to our Mother Earth

Click here to join and/or participate in the BE KIND global campaign

Testimonials to the Be Kind Sign Campaign



Step 1.

Organize a field trip with your class or group (if alone go alone). Before leaving on trip have the group repeat after you in unison: We are Fantastic,  You are Fantastic and finally, I am Fantastic. This creates energy and builds self comfidence.

Talk about the environment while collecting wood or other objects suitable to paint BE KIND on them.

Explain to the group how collecting and painting the signs benefits you, its great exercise, wonderful to be outdoors and painting releases stress.

Step 2.

Put base coat, then paint yellow for background. After drying paint BE KIND on them and other sayings with Kindness on the sign.

Explain to the group how others will benefit by reading the signs. It makes people smile and feel Fantastic.

Step 3.

Organize another field trip to post signs. You will need a hammer and nails.

Explain to the group how turning trash into art helps the environment. Instead of ending up in a landfill they help beautigy your neighborhood. It’s called Eco Art.

Step 4.

Sell signs to support yourself or family , your school, church, local charity or club.

Make sure to put enough money aside to purchase more paint to keep earning money.

Step 5

Please take pictures of the posted signs, send to us and let us know what city they are in.

Thank you for participating in the Be Kind global sign campaign.

Be Fantastic International

Highlands, Texas

Just Pass this in Tucson

Dallas, Texas