All we have in our life is a limited amount of time. A limit on the years we will live and the minutes we live each day.
I write this blog about time inspired by a meeting I had today. One of the pioneers of Sharm, second generation pioneer and one of my Ambassadors of Kindness (1079) I was happy to bump into and spend some quality time with.
During the meeting I learned he speaks with the President of Egypt and works closely with the Governor of Sharm, Mr. Fouda another Ambassador of Kindness here in Sharm, I have over 1000 Ambassadors of Kindness in Sharm. I understand that most of my 4838 Ambassadors of Kindness don’t have the time to watch my YouTube videos because they like most don’t have the time, I well understand that. What struck me today was this Ambassador didn’t have time to read the daily Motivational quotes I post each day in our 198 WhatsApp groups. I assumed everyone has time to read a quote, it’s a minute that could benefit your day, My posts usually have one quote from a famous person and one from me.
As a self proclaimed philosopher I always say life is too short not to take the time out to enjoy the little things, a beautiful vista, smell a flower or read an inspirational quote. Another thing of note that I learned from our meeting is that I am indeed a dreamer, he stated that he gave up dreaming awhile ago, I never will. I have dedicated my life to spreading Kindness and I will be happy if not another person adopts the three commitments to Kindness and we just end up with 4838 Ambassadors of Kindness. If you can change one person’s life for the better you made a difference in your life.
We can’t solve all the problems in the world but following the three commitments to Kindness has proven by science and logic to change your life. People just learning of the be Fantastic philosophy want to know in ten seconds what it’s all about. I wish it were that simple to explain. One must understand certain principles to see the logic, one is that words matter, two that Kindness has rewards most don’t see immediately and three using the word Fantastic will make you feel Fantastic as it releases endorphins, dopamine and serotonin in your brain. These reduce stress and less stress extends your life. Life is short, extend it by joining the be Fantastic philosophy at
What you want to be, you can be, be Fantastic.
Dr. Fantastic