Class three begins with the Be Fantastic Rally call. Africa is Fantastic We are Fantastic You are Fantastic I am Fantastic

  • Ask students how they were affected by last lesson Be kind to all others, go one by one asking for their story.
  • Ask students to take out pencil and paper to take notes on new words and questions they may have.

Ask them to write:

Commitment #3

  • Be kind to our environment, protect our planet.
  • Ask each student what that means to them.

Here are the bullet points, use our example and/or add your personal thoughts/experiences.

1. Don’t litter

Litter is done by individuals, one piece of trash at a time, one plastic bottle at a time. We now have islands of plastic bottles the size of cities floating in our oceans and seas that won’t disintegrate for 10,000 years. One cigarette butt at a time is thrown on the ground accounting for 4.7 TRILLION cigarette butts a year. They litter the streets, wash into storm drains, creeks and rivers ending up in the ocean and killing fish. One cigarette but can cause a forest fire and forest fires have killed people, destroyed homes, farms and forests.

2. Don’t pollute

Pollution ruins our air, our water supply and our beautiful landscapes. Aerosol cans cause pollution, cars cause pollution, burning trash, dumping hazardous waste all cause pollution. People must be accountable for their actions by not doing these things.

3. Recycle

More and more we are recycling paper  plastic and metal. This helps but buying less if these things help more.

4. Reuse

By reusing grocery bags, water bottles, coffee mugs, clothes, furniture we help our environment. One persons junk is another persons treasure. Instead of throwing something away find someone that can use it. It’s the kind thing to do.

5. Use less electricity

Turn down your thermostat. Dim your lights or turn off lights in rooms not being used. Install motion sensor lights. Take a cold shower, it’s very healthy.

6. Use less water

Turn off faucet while brushing your teeth, take shorter showers, fix leaky faucets, install artificial lawns, plant succulents, don’t wash your driveway, wash your car less often, only do full loads of laundry, stop using dish washing machines.

7.Don’t use aerosol spray

Paint cans, hairspray, bug spray, spray cheese, room deodorant spray all expel volatile organic compounds (VOCs) these contribute to air pollution and the empty  cans fill our dumps.

8. Drive less

Car pool, walk, ride a bike, use public transport or work from home. Using less gas will help reduce air pollution.

9. Plant a garden.

Growing your own fruits, vegetables and spices are a great way to save money and protect our environment. It’s also fun to see a seed turn into a ten foot sunflower and something you can eat and enjoy.

10. Plant a tree

Trees are our oxygen and thousands of hectares of forests get cut down every minute if every day. As every individual counts every three planted helps our planet. Fruit trees are Fantastic, free fresh fruit from your yard is Fantastic.

11. Pick up litter you see.

If everyone were to pick up some litter they see in the streets we would have a better environment. Form a group that every so often go out on field trips to pick up litter, in groups its fun.

Teacher to come up with more examples and from students in daily plan.

End class with Fantastic Rally Call.

Schedule field trip or hand out certificates to the students.