Day 282 Is this considered work?
An office with a view. Be Fantastic International will help make the world a kinder more civil place. source
An office with a view. Be Fantastic International will help make the world a kinder more civil place. source
Every day unfolds new surprises, left and right turns. source
Three weeks in a friends villa, one week in a luxury hotel and today I find a great Villa on my own. source
Surprise day for Dr. Fantastic. What i thought was coffee turned into a Fantastic day touring Nabq National park. source
Im making Sharm el Sheikh the new headquarters to the be Fantastic movement, no better place to try and make the world a kinder more civil place. source
Drinking all day and night ain’t easy!. Started at Terrazzina, then private villa, then Caligula night club in Soho source
Looks like Dr. Fantastic might just stay in Sharm for the long haul. source is Salva’s paypal if you want to help him make it around the world. source
I’ve been asked to do some marketing/consulting for a big firm. One of my specialties. Being retired is more fun but work now and again may be good for my creative juices. source
25 years in the making Sinai People book is available #sinai #pioneersofsharm #sharmelsheikh source
Everyone says one must visit Dehab so i did and can cross it off the bucket list. Very eccentric style. source